

Deep in the mountains lies a valley with a secret to immortality—Clairvaux—where the Queen Mother reigns supreme. Hidden within the cliffs and rocky paths and shrouded by waterfalls, the Gallows Tree grows immortal fruit, but only the loyal angel sworn can partake and live forever, weaving magic with grafting wands and bonding to animals in order to borrow their powers while balancing the good in all living things.

But a lurking evil is coming that will change everything they believe about the past, the present, and the future.

Locations in Angel Sworn


Magic & Lore

In the Origin of the angel sworn is told of how the Oldknow created the gardens of Clairvaux where a serpent tempted the first father and mother to eat of the fruit of knowledge. The man ate and was exiled. The woman did not and became the Queen Mother. She continued to tend the garden and protected the Gallows Tree. Partaking of its fruit could reverse someone’s age all the way to infancy if the entire fruit was devoured. The angel sworn have committed to live and serve and follow the covenants of the valley. In exchange, they can regularly partake of the fruit of eternal youth.

Each angel sworn and those in training are given a distaff, also called a grafting wand. With it, they can harness the attributes of animal life—the flight of birds, the speed of a hare, the ferocity of a bear through a union called bonding which is temporary and causes both to experience pain. Individuals have natural affinities to certain creatures. When someone is bound to those animals they have a natural affinity for, the bonding is easier and lasts longer. Only the angel sworn can use distaffs for the Oldknow gave them dominion over the beasts of the field, the fowls of the air, and all living creatures.

Cast of Characters


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