What’s next?

Today is Pub Day for Book 2 of the new Covenant of Muirwood series- CIPHERS OF MUIRWOOD. This is the fastest cadence I’ve ever released a book series and you can expect more of this in the future. The final book in the trilogy will come out in October. Question for you readers — how many of you are waiting until VOID comes out before starting the series? I have a theory that some are waiting to binge-read the entire series back-to-back. Add a comment at the end and let me know where you fit!

So what’s next? Obviously, the next issue of MUIRWOOD: THE LOST ABBEY. Issue #2 comes out on September 23rd. I got my author copies yesterday and my kids began fighting over it immediately. Even my youngest has been reading it. I love how this story is told in pictures. It’s safe for kids, unless they have a fear of spiders, serpents, and creatures in the mist.

So what’s next after that? I’ll be at New York Comic Con again in October, so stop by and say hi if you’re there.

But I know what you’re really asking. What’s coming next. What am I working on now? Well, it’s a secret. I may have to kill you if you find out. All I can say is…keep a wary eye out for The Queen’s Poisoner. Sshhhh, don’t tell!


Jeff Wheeler

Jeff Wheeler

Wall Street Journal bestselling author of over forty epic fantasy novels.

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  • Tony says:


    I did have the thought the other day (as I’m starting), “Guess by the time I’m done with the second book, the 3rd will be out.”

    Suppose that puts me in the “Waiting for the 3rd book to release” category.


  • Kim says:

    I would rather read each book as they come out. I am reading the first book now (found it from a blog review) and I love it.

  • I’m waiting. I love your books, and once I start reading I’m sucked in and want to be able to read straight through. :o) Thanks for your hard work that enables my mind to expand in new ways and to travel to places I could only dream of. You have a gift. Thank you for sharing.

  • Phil Lane says:

    Like I could wait to get my Muirwood on…

  • Janelle says:

    I didn’t realize you were planning on releasing in such quick succession until I was finished the first book, otherwise I probably would have waited. Thank you for doing it this way, by the way! It’s fantastic!


  • Lisa says:

    A binge read sounds fun, but I can’t help myself. When I first read Fireblood, I practically inhaled the second book, but then the third wasn’t out yet… OH NO! So that’s when I went and read the first Muirwood trilogy (and then a few others) and loved that too. One of my favorite things in the worlds of these books is the overlap here and there.

    I’m totally bummed that I can’t make it to comic con this year, school conflicts and all… but I hope you have a great time!

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