Tuesday was the launch of my latest book, Poisonwell and it has been great seeing all the positive reviews by the sleep-deprived who did not want to set it down but read straight through. This marks the end of the Whispers from Mirrowen trilogy and I hope you enjoy the ending!
So what’s next?
I have some good news to share. Since leaving Intel last summer, I have been hard at work on my new series, The Covenant of Muirwood, and I am pleased to report that I finished writing the final book this morning. I have never completed a series this quickly and my early readers have said they have liked it as much so far (and some even more) than the original Legends of Muirwood tale.
One of the things I discussed with my publisher 47North was releasing it at a much faster pace. It was originally slated to come out a year from now, but if you look on Amazon’s website you’ll find it and can begin pre-ordering the first book (The Banished of Muirwood) already with a pub date of August 8, 2015 (that’s 6 months earlier than any of us expected). The next two books (The Ciphers and Muirwood and The Void of Muirwood) will come out one month apart, arriving in September and October. Three novels in three months. I am so thrilled to partner with Amazon Publishing and their willingness to break the mold in bringing out my books even faster.
The good news doesn’t end there. I mentioned before that Jet City Comics is working on a graphic novel based on the story “Maia” I wrote. That story is part of the Covenant series. I’m working with amazing script writers and stunning artists to bring to life the images and icons of the Muirwood world. Each week, I get sketches and panels to review and approve. We do not have a firm launch date yet (since only the first issues is underway), but it should be around the same time as the novels. It has been thrilling, to say the least, seeing my dreams and imagination come to life through sketches and art. I know you will love exploring the world with me.
Hope you enjoy Poisonwell and stay tuned for more as the new Muirwood series begins to unfold!
I just wanted to tell you I have loved all your books and am really loving Poisonwell too! Keep up the great work
I want to be an early reader….how do I get on that list?!
I love all your books….I just finish Poinsonwell… I’m waiting for more of Silverkin…is there more books? about it?
Poisonwell was great! I cannot wait to read the new Muirwood trilogy. I really appreciate that you are moving up the releases on these. It is so difficult to be patient and waitmany months for your books! Keep up the good work!
Kiranrao & Hettie;
I just finished Poisonwell and always had an unanswered question, actually going back to Dryad. Hettie’s deference to Kiranrao, how he (his culture) viewed women, her, as a possession and when he came to talk to her in the night to discuss her “loyalty” before the they broke Paedrin out of prison….. Was that relationship and her use, his “ownership” of a physical, intimate nature?
Not sure if it’s something you can answer on blog but if not, perhaps an email?
Thanks in advance…. Loved this story… The Dryad lore was amazing!
Ii love your writing, your worlds, your characters and relationships. I was one of those waiting impatiently for Poisonwell, and now I’m sad it’s over. In fact, I started to get sad about halfway through, like my mom still does when I visit. I’m excited about your next Muirwood series and your plans for a fast rollout, and I’ve preordered the first book… But August still seems so far away. Keep creating as you do, and I will keep devouring your books late into the night while I should be sleeping. Thank you!