Today is pub day for my novel, The King’s Traitor. Everything about the Kingfountain series has been a risk for me. Writing from the point of view of an eight year old protagonist? And a boy at that? Thwarting the love interest in book two and making everyone (including myself) cry? Imposing a gap of years between the action happening in all three novels? I know my publisher was scratching their heads at what I was thinking. But that was until they read the manuscripts and fell in love with the world of Kingfountain too.
As many of you start and finish the 3rd book of the series, you’ll be asking yourselves–what’s next? What does Jeff have up his sleeve?
I’m ready to announce just that.
While I was writing The King’s Traitor, I realized that there were more stories to be told in the Kingfountain world. It was like coming to the end of a tunnel and being able to see a huge vista ahead. I saw quite clearly where the story could go with another similar time jump into the future. A story that includes the cast you’re already familiar with while introducing the next generation and giving them the limelight. The idea for a 3-book story arc came to me while doing more research and crystallized around a new protagonist. I pitched the idea to my editor. He absolutely loved it.
So I’ve signed a three-book deal with 47North to bring you this new tale. Book 4 of the Kingfountain Series will be called The Hollow Crown. You can expect it to come next summer, followed by books 5 and 6 before the end of the year. The first book is already written and my early readers have all said they might like this new story even better than the first part of the series. I’m humbled.
Wait, there’s more news!
While writing in the Kingfountain world, I hinted many times about the most famous of all the Fountain-blessed individuals, the Maid of Donremy. In the back of my mind, I’ve had several backstory novels simmering and decided to write one, intending it to be only a novella. By the time I was finished, it was a full novel instead. I loved writing this story and set it from the point of view of Ankarette Tryneowy, the famous Queen’s Poisoner from book 1. She has been sent on a mission into the heart of Occitania to find the sword of the Maid and learns about her vivid history and how it is still tangled with her own realm. This book is called The Maid’s War and will be published this January as a bridge novel to tide you over until Book 4 is released. The first few chapters will also appear in my e-zine Deep Magic in December’s issue. It’s also a great way to introduce someone to the world of Kingfountain and its magic. I’ll announce pre-orders for both through my newsletter when they become available .
(Fun fact: image of the Vatnajokull ice cave–an inspiration used in the Kingfountain books)
I hope you enjoy the finale of the first installment of the Kingfountain series. Hopefully the ending will leave you as satisfied as it has me and anxious to read more!
Until we meet again,
(Fun fact: this is a photo of Maude Adams, the American actress that inspired Richard Matheson’s novel Bid Time Return, which was became one of my all-time favorite films, Somewhere in Time. This is the picture that inspired my description of Ankarette Tryneowy in The Queen’s Poisoner.)
I’m glad your going back into the Kingfountain world. The 2nd book had me so upset at what happened but it also had me pre-ordering the next book right away Lol. I have thoroughly enjoyed your books and can’t wait to read more. Thank you and congratulations on your book deal.
Really don’t know how you keep releasing these books so quickly without losing quality. I’ve gone from from not being much of a reader to having read all of your books. Keep em coming!
I loved Jayne Seymour in Somewhere in Time. I remember watching it as a teen and being ferreted away only to be heartbroken by the separation.
YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! *Jumps up and down cheering*
Totally thrilled that you’re returning to Kingfountain for the trilogy and also for the earlier story of Ankarette – she was a character we saw far too little of and wanted to know more about!
Thank you, for all the wonderful books so far, and the ones coming.
Jeff, I’m so glad to hear that you’re still exploring the Kingfountain world. I was absolutely heartbroken for Owen in the second book, but it all worked out in the end. Thanks for sharing your worlds with us — and I’m super excited to read the next volume!
I immensely enjoyed the Kingfountain series and look forward to reading the next 3. Thank you for writing a book about Ankarette! I was very sad when she died, but now I have something to look forward to in January!
I stumbled upon The Queen’s Poisoner while browsing for a new book on Amazon Prime. I finished all 3 books within 5 days because I could not stop! When I couldn’t read, I switched to the audio version, which I am extremely grateful that the audio version was released at the same time. I am highly impressed and love the world you have created. I cannot wait to read more tales ar this world!
Just finished ‘The King’s Traitor’ last night. I must wait nine months for ‘The Hollow Crown?’ It will be as if I am pregnant again. Much too long a wait! I’m hoping for an early delivery!
I am so glad to hear this great news!! The 2nd booked went exactly as I had hoped as well as the thrid. I cried of course but in my heart I knew it had to be so. Can not wait to read more!! Thank you for sharing the world of Kingfountain with me.
I’ve just finished the third book in the Kingfountain series. I found this series hard to put down. I was happy with Owen’s big decision. I don’t believe the Owen I’ve come to know, would have had it any other way. I’m looking forward to many more adventures in Kingfountain.
I realize this is an old blog post. I’m not sure if you even read the replies to these. But I figured I would go ahead and add my thoughts as an avid reader and fan. I’ve now read all of your books. Just finished Silverkin and am awaiting the upcoming release of bk 5 in the KingFountain series. I, as are many others, am curious what truly does come next? I sincerely hope you revisit Thealos and share with us what happens with his story. I was kept busy for a little bit with plenty of quality reading material. But know that I’ve read everything and KingFountain is concluding…..Whatever will we do!?! Hopefully we don’t have to wait to long to read more of your fantastic work. Thank you!
thanks for the comment, Amber. And yes – I do read all of them! To answer your question, I’ve posted a new blog about the topic here:
I just finished the audible version of Kings Traitor. I quite liked it. I have a question: What does the Vizier call them at the end of the book (after he is freed he asks the young king about the two something or other)? I listened to it a few times but could not make sense of it.
That’s because you probably haven’t read The Legends of Muirwood yet. The word ‘pethet’ is a reference that readers from that series will catch.
You are correct, I had not, at the time of posting, read the other series.
I am just now finishing the 3rd book of Legends of Muirwood.
started legends of muirwood after i found kingfountain for my kindle unlimited account and finished in 3 days lol!
but what does ‘pethet’ mean? it has all sorts of connotations/implied meanings – maybe idiot,moron, one who does not follow virtus and others – but what does it really indicate?
find the term fascinating in itself 🙂
many thanks for a great series and i look forward to devouring the rest shortly