Welcome to my imagination

My dream of becoming a published author will be fulfilled with 47North’s re-launch of the Muirwood Trilogy tomorrow, January 15th, and their subsequent launch of my newest book Fireblood on Feb 5th. Some of you have been with me from the beginning. Some will start to learn this week about all the worlds I’ve created. Here are some quick ways to catch up:

  • Why I write: read “A Manifesto on Virtue” (Read More). This one was published January 7, 2012 just ten days before my books started going viral through Kindle. Coincidence? Most likely…yes. I had also just joined the Kindle Direct Program and gave away Wretched of Muirwood as a freebie and had over 10,000 downloads in two days.
  • How I became an author: read my Bio page here. It’s quite a story. It’s even a true story.
  • Why do I tweet #Quotes from #Vizzini? I collect wisdom quotes and have for years. I’m always looking for new pearls which I can incorporate into my writing and, more importantly, improve myself. When I started my Twitter account (@muirwoodwheeler), I decided early on that I’d pass on the quotes from the ancients instead of tweeting about current events (except for a few topics like Star Wars). Why Vizzini? See this posting.
  • Do I really write one night a week? Yes. Sometimes the day of the week changes, but it’s consistently one night a week. I can write a complete chapter in about 2.5 hours. Does that mean I could write four chapters in a day if I wanted to? Not likely. With a full-time job, a wife and five kids, and a pretty demanding church responsibility, I have very little free time. I don’t watch TV (well, except for Phineas and Ferb re-runs). I only watch movies occasionally in the theater and only at home when doing laundry. When I write, I’m pretty much an example of what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describes as ‘flow’ (http://www.ted.com/talks/mihaly_csikszentmihalyi_on_flow.html ). The chapters come out pretty good the first time and I do tweak them, but not a lot of re-writing. I’m always world-building in my head, especially during my commute, and crafting the next chapters in advance so that when it’s writing time, I get ‘write’ to business (did I mention yet that I like puns?).
  • Where did I learn to write? Though I’ve been writing since high school and took creative writing classes at San Jose State University, I feel I really learned the craft though publishing Deep Magic for four years. My friends and I created Deep Magic to help aspiring authors get published and were joined by many faithful and talented volunteers. I was tutored by some of the best in the genre and by my mentor, Sharon Kay Penman. I even interviewed George R.R. Martin before he was uber-famous (see October 2005 issue). http://www.scribd.com/deep_magic
  • When did I go from being self-published to finding a publisher? I was discovered by 47North’s David Pomerico in April 2012. His e-mail changed everything. I talk about the transition in my blog posting: Why the publishing industry is like Downton Abbey (Read Post)

What I love about Amazon Publishing is the vision they have of the future. Let me try and explain it this way. Like you, I love reading. I have a Kindle in my backpack, books on CD in my Honda Pilot, and several books on my nightstand. When I get really hooked on a series though, I want to bring it everywhere but I can’t. I got my Kindle Fire a year ago. After buying the Kindle version of a book, I can also buy the Audible version for just a few dollars more (much cheaper than buying the CDs). Then I can listen to the book and read it, and it will keep track of where I am as I go back and forth, reading or listening. That’s the magic of Whispersync. And it’s not just about the device. I have the Kindle and Audible apps on my smartphone so I can keep reading or listening when I get snatches of free time. Is any other company shaping the future this way? It’s brilliant.

So here we are — the arrival of launch day.


When I was a teenager, there was a scene from the movie Back to the Future where George McFly gets copies of his first book and exclaims to his son, “Like I’ve always told you, you put your mind to it, you can accomplish *anything*.” I think George McFly had it right. Holding the new copies in my hand tonight, I can hardly describe how it feels. It’s a dream come true.

Just want to welcome all to my imagination! I have plenty more books to write where these came from.

Jeff Muirwood (Small)

Jeff Wheeler

Jeff Wheeler

Wall Street Journal bestselling author of over forty epic fantasy novels.

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  • Paul Wharff says:

    I can feel your excitement just be reading this. I am so excited for you and can’t wait to get my hands on the books. It’s been months since my last book and now I know what I’m gonna read next. BTW, is there any connection to the actual Muirwoods that is just north of San Francisco? I proposed to my wife in a grove of trees at Muirwoods. Anyway, hope everything continues to prosper for you! Have a good one.

  • João Vieitas says:

    Hey, Jeff 🙂

    It’s been an adventure to read your books! Well… Muirwood trilogy at least. I’m thrilled! I will say nothing more about them. You can see my reaction in my reviews. I’m currently reading “The scourge of Muirwood” and I’m almost in the end. So… I can already tell you that you’ll get more 5 stars for this one.

    I wanted to share a cool chinese proverb I found. I don’t know if you know it but here it goes:
    “Yesterday is history,
    Tomorrow is a mystery,
    Today is a gift, that’s why it’s called present.”

    God bless you, Jeff. May you succeed in everything! Big hug from Portugal!

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