Kindle First: The Queen’s Poisoner (my new book!)

The Queen's Poisoner - The Kingfountain Series - Jeff Wheeler

It’s finally here — the big secret I’ve been hinting at for months! When Amazon Publishing offered me the Kindle First deal for my new book last year, I was giddy with excitement but couldn’t talk about it openly. Here’s how it works. For Amazon Prime members, you get to select one free book a month through the Kindle First program. This is going on in the US, UK, and Australia for The Queen’s Poisoner. But it gets even better. If you’re not an Amazon Prime member and you still want to read it before the pub date (April 1st, no joke!), you can download the Kindle version now for a much reduced price. It’s a screaming deal for a brand new book.

But the news is better still. This is also my first book that 47North is publishing it in Hardcover. They rarely do this but I’ve been pushing for it all along and they’re taking a risk to see how my fans react to it. So if you have *ever* wanted to own one of my books in hardcover, please order this one! Get the kindle version too. No problem. Oh, and for those who will ask about the Audible version–yes, the narrator of the Muirwood series (Kate Rudd) performs the voices for this new trilogy.

This book will be followed on May 31 by the sequel, The Thief’s DaughterAnd soon to follow, on September 6th, will be The King’s Traitor. Yes, all three books are coming out a few months apart. I’m so excited! Here’s the cover for Book 2, all ready to go.

So what’s it about? This is a new idea that has been bubbling inside me for years and I break new ground in this series. It’s a new world, a new magic system, and the characters–I’ve just fallen in love with them. In this series, the main protagonist starts as a young boy in book 1 then becomes a teenager in book 2 and an adult in book 3. I’ve never skipped so much history between books before, never written such a young hero before, but it really works. My editors absolutely loved this series and thought each book got better and better, upping the stakes and making the situations our hero faces more and more desperate. This series is an emotional roller coaster. I think you’re going to love it.

I’m so glad that I can finally talk about the Kingfountain series. 47North really wanted to surprise you (my fans) in a good way with this Kindle First deal and discount. I even went to Hollywood in December to film some short videos introducing the book. You can find them on the Amazon page about the book.

Thanks for being patient with the big secret. I hope you enjoy my newest creation and are entranced by it as well.

Hope to see some of you at LDStorymakers conference in May!

Jeff Wheeler

Jeff Wheeler

Wall Street Journal bestselling author of over forty epic fantasy novels.

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  • Laura S says:

    Woo-hoo!!!!!! What a treat to get the email about this book today! Really there isn’t a much better surprise than being able to read a book by one of your favorite authors. Thank you! And I would have used more exclamation marks, but then you might not have taken me seriously. 😉

  • Gloria Vodicka says:

    Just ordered them all! Can’t wait to immerse myself in the new world. Thank you, for sharing your imagination and talent.

  • Donna says:

    So excited for the new series! Are the last two volumes going to be hardcover as well? I already pre ordered book 1. I also want to say that I love that you don’t make your fans wait years for the next book to come out! I wish all my other favorite authors did the same! Thanks so much!!!

    • Avatar photo admin says:

      I don’t know if my publisher will do hardcover for the other two books. I think that decision will be made depending on hardcover sales of The Queen’s Poisoner. So here’s your chance!

  • Kimberly says:

    I chose this book as my kindle first, thinking it sounded promising and the first 5 reviews agreed. So here I was, with your new book in my queue for when I finish Void of Muirwood, not even realizing both were by the same author! Yep, I hadn’t even noticed that fact but I’m delighted by the discovery 🙂 I’m also completely amazed at how rapidly you churn out such quality novels! Very inspiring.

  • Cathy says:

    Last week my husband surprised me with my first kindle and he had even loaded it with books! I’m a formerly avid reader and I’ve been wanting to reconnect with books. I tried out several of the books and nothing grabbed me until I got to The Queens Poisoner. Since it was just waiting for me on my kindle I had no idea that it was brand spanking new and I’m bitterly disappointed I have to wait until May to read the next book! I loved this book, thank you!!

  • Mary says:

    I found your new book in an email from Amazon letting me know about this early release for prime members. It was free so I thought what have I got to lose and downloaded it. I never imagined that not only would I not lose but I would gain so many new titles to read! I read this book in two days and if I didn’t have to play with my kids I wouldn’t have put it down and finished it much sooner. I have since read two more of your books and am writing this as I download a third. I am so excited I found you! Thank you for being such a great writer and sharing your gift with us.

  • Jane Doe says:

    Can’t wait to see what happens next! I love the characters you’ve created. They are so authentic.

  • Linda Whitestar says:

    I JUST finished reading The Queen’s Poisoner. I loved the references to IRL history and was so pleased to read in your notes that it was not just my imagination. Even better, I AM SO DELIGHTED to learn that the next two books come out this year, rather than in a year or two. My kids also enjoy this genre, so I can’t wait to share TQP with them. Thank you, and thanks Kindle First! Now, I’m going to see what other books of yours I can enjoy…

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