Today is pub day for my novel, The King’s Traitor. Everything about the Kingfountain series has been a risk for me. Writing from the point of view of an eight year old protagonist? And a boy at that? Thwarting the love interest in book two and making everyone (including myself)

What an amazing month it’s been! I’ve re-booted Deep Magic: the E-zine of Clean Fantasy and Science Fiction, spoken to a huge crowd at a local charter school, became a Wall Street Journal bestselling author because of The Thief’s Daughter and will be teaching a fiction writing class for Writer’s Digest

I’ve been giddy with excitement about this for months now and can finally share it. After a 10 year hiatus, Deep Magic is back! Ten years ago, we shut down the e-zine after a four-year run including 49 issues. In June, exactly ten years later, we’ll be re-launching Deep Magic: the

I don’t know if I’ve been a hopeless romantic for most of my life, but probably so. All my books have some romance in them–well, except maybe the Wishing Lantern! One of the reasons I’ve loved The Empire Strikes Back so much is it coined the phrase “scruffy-looking nerf herder” which

I’ve had some conversations and interactions lately that have reminded me that writing is truly “the lonely profession.” Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining nor is this posting a rant. Being an introvert, I’m very comfortable in my own head (where all my characters live!) and I don’t

I’ve been invited to teach two classes at the 2016 LDStorymakers Conference being held in Provo, UT the first weekend of May. I’ve always heard good things about it. Whether or not you are LDS, you can register and attend the conference. Since it’s primarily for writers trying to improve the

Thanks to the fantastic Kindle Daily Deal e-mails, I recently picked up the e-book version of Think Like a Freak by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, authors of Freakonomics and it gave me a lot to think about. There is a passage in their original book that made me seriously consider quitting writing altogether.

Today is Pub Day for Book 2 of the new Covenant of Muirwood series- CIPHERS OF MUIRWOOD. This is the fastest cadence I’ve ever released a book series and you can expect more of this in the future. The final book in the trilogy will come out in October. Question