At the heart of this war-torn kingdom is an aspiring young knight “Ransom” Barton, the fiery heiress he loves, and Ransom’s epic search to find loyalty amidst betrayal.
Bingmei was born to survive the greatest evil in the world. To outlast it she must be reborn. In a world of night, she is the light. She alone can break the evil of the Grave Kingdom.
The young warrior Bingmei pits her courage, combat skills, and very life against a brutal tyrant’s dark magic. To be a savior, she must first survive what she has unleashed.
A young woman’s battle with infinite evil begins. Bingmei never asked to be the savior of the world. But the powers of the Phoenix blade demand it.
An overnight success story…twenty years in the making. This is the story of Wall Street Journal-bestselling author Jeff Wheeler’s journey to publication.
To save her kingdom, it’ll take a princess gone rogue—and a friend she may not be able to trust. Cettie and Sera have made decisions that have irrevocably changed them. But it is the decisions they have yet to make that will determine the fate of their world . . .
When two kingdoms refuse to bend, one must inevitably break. For two women caught in between, peace will come at a price.
In a war for peace between two worlds, two young women will face the storm. The fog of war is drawing in, and with it comes a startling new enemy who may unravel secrets that both women would prefer stay hidden. But their secrets may be the only way to stop the coming darkness . . .
Can privileged and poor, standing together, keep a divided kingdom from falling forever? Battling the darkest dangers binds two young ladies as allies and they find there is power in friendship.
Two young girls must overcome their origins to change their fates. The fate of the world is in their hands, and in the magic of the Mysteries. Neither is trained. Neither belongs. But both will be needed for the coming storm.