Author Appearances

So today is the launch day of Banished of Muirwood, the first book in the Covenant of Muirwood series and the first of three books that will be published back-to-back, one per month. I’m super excited that 47North was willing to try a new publishing cadence like this. I hope you appreciate not having to wait a year in between my books.

I will be making a few author appearances over the next few months, so I wanted to give you the details. If you happen to be nearby any of these, please come by and say hi and I’ll sign books for you. Here is the schedule so far:

Worldcon (aka Sasquan) – Saturday August 22nd at 3:30pm (Grand Davenport hotel, Spokane, WA)

Ken’s Comics (Rocklin, CA) – Saturday September 12 at 12:00pm (4845 Granite Dr, Rocklin, CA)

New York Comic Con – Friday/Saturday October 10-11 (time TBD) (Javits Center, NYC)

I’ve heard that comic book stores have been running out of Issue#1 of MUIRWOOD: THE LOST ABBEY. I’d recommend calling your local comic book store in advance to reserve a copy. There are several ways you can read this series…in single issue comic books (available at comic book stores in the US and Canada), through comiXology, through your Kindle, and in a graphic novel compilation you can now pre-order here

Stay tuned for more and for news about my next series to launch in June 2016.

Happy pub day! Hope to see you soon!


Jeff Wheeler

Jeff Wheeler

Wall Street Journal bestselling author of over forty epic fantasy novels.

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1 Comment

  • Rose says:

    So disappointed I will miss meeting you in Rocklin. Prior engagement that weekend 🙁 discovered your books last year by chance and really enjoyed them. Looking forward to reading the new ones. Congratulations!

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